I have been in a deep, dark hole for more than two weeks due to agonal pain in my left buttocks, a reaction to chemo, and a bunch of other stuff. I apologise for not writing, but writing was the last thing on my mind.
My PMD has been trying to get me into the Palliative Care Center for the past 10 days without success. Friday she gave up and referred me to a private Medical Pain Specialist. Today I called his office, and his "system is down" so they can't make any appointments; besides which, the office manager knows for sure they don have any openings for the next two weeks.
I may take the route suggest by the PA C at the pulmonologist's office and go to the ER and literally show my butt. He said he almost didn't recognize me in his office as the same person he saw in the hospital. I reminded him he had not seen me when I was not getting IV morphine on a regular basis.
People, I have exactly one place I can sit and be comfortable. That is a big, cushy, lounger in my daughter's TV room, and then only with my feet up. I cannot sit in this freaking chair for the rest of my life.
To top all this off, I had another massive reaction to my chemo. I had chemo last Tuesday, felt good on Wednesday, crashed on Thursday, went to the office on Friday for extra fluids and IV meds; and just felt like getting out of bed today. The Oncologist doesn't remember ever having a patient who just can't wake up enough to get out of bed. In fact, one of the most frequently reported side affects is sleeplessness. Of course, he never had me as a patient.
I am up today, and feeling good except for the pain in my buttocks and pelvis. I have the best husband on earth, and my family is amazing.
I am blessed.
Let's Talk Honduran Elections
6 days ago