Today one of my friends asked if I had seen the American Flag flying from the old American Embassy in Trujillo.. Red-faced, I had to ask where the Old American Embassy was located. When she told me it was close to Johnny Glynn's store, I thought I knew where it was. MM hauled me downtown to find it, and as we approached El Centro, there it was, The Stars and Stripes, fluttering in the breeze. It was so good to see it, and it made me so proud of who I am.
As luck would have, the Flag was flying from the balcony of Mr. Glynn's house. MM has known Mr. Glynn all his life, and I met Mr. Glynn at the grand opening of the new eco-park on Guaimoreto Lagoon. Mr. Glynn made a really big mistake at the grand opening; he told me anytime I wanted anything, let him know. Anybody who knows me well knows I am a history buff; and Mr. Glynn is the man to see about history in Trujillo. .
Mr. Glynn closes his store at 11:30 AM to 2 PM, so he and his employees can have lunch and a siesta. At 2:10 PM I was in the store, talking to him. Thank goodness, he speaks perfect English. He is the second generation of Glynns born in New Orleans and reared in Trujillo. He is one of the wealthiest men in Trujillo, and I really did not expect him to spend any time with me. I was surprised when he invited me into his home and we talked about 30 minutes.
Then he gave me a wonderful surprise. He looked for a copy of a dissertation done by Taylor E. Mack when he was working on his PhD in the Department of Geography and Anthropology at LSU. He told me he has never let anyone take this book out of his house, and he let ME bring it home to read! Me! a person he barely knows. I am so honored.
So, tonight we are going to have hamburgers, potato salad and refritos for supper and watch fireworks on TV. We are going to go to devotions with a group of young people here on a mission trip. And I am going to start reading Ephemeral Hinterlands and the Historical Geography of Trujillo, Honduras, 1525 - 1950, A Dissertation.
I am having a wonderful Fourth of July..
We are blessed
Let's Talk Honduran Elections
6 days ago
HOORAY!! I'm just seeing this, but first glad to know the stars and stripes were waving again this year! Sounds like you had a really special 4th!!