Last week I blogged on the Emergency Response
Team the expats in Trujillo are forming.
Keep in mind that there is no Fire Rescue here in our area. There was enough interest in a list of needed supplies that I made a
list and decided to post it here and on Facebook.
Everything on the list is easily available in
the US and Canada, and almost non-existent here. Most of it is available at CVS, Walgreen's, Walmart and Target. Store brands are good.
Absorbent dressings, small, medium, large
Ace bandages, 2", 3", 4"
Alcohol Large bottle
1. Alcohol in amounts of over 2-4 oz not available
Alcohol pads
Band-aids, all sizes
BP cuff
Burn ointment
Cervical collars, all sizes
Cotton balls, large
Cotton swabs
Duct Tape
1. To secure victim to backboard
2. To secure dressings in torrential rain
Eyepads, gauze
Fluorescent rechargeable lantern
1. Replacement batteries not available
Hand sanitizer
Magic Markers
Pen lights
Rescue blanket, Mylar
Road flares
Rubber tourniquets
Sanitary Napkins, the old type with tails
1. Excellent pressure dressing; does not require tape
Splints, padded if possible.
Sports tape, all sizes
Sterile gauze dressings, any size
1. Larger amounts at lower price in Medical supply houses
Sterile gloves, all sizes, Non Latex
1. Store brand @ pharmacy good and cheaper
Tampons, small, unscented
1. Splint for broken nose; pressure dressing for broken teeth
Tape, all sizes, non-allergenic if possible
Tongue blades/Popsicle sticks
1. Splints for fingers and small children
Trauma scissors
1. Uniform shops
Triple antibiotic salve
1. Cell phone service not available in remote areas
Water-proof bags/backpacks
1. Most disasters happen during rainy season, i.e mudslides,
collapsed buildings, flooded rivers and streams
Absorbent dressings, small, medium, large
Ace bandages, 2", 3", 4"
Alcohol Large bottle
1. Alcohol in amounts of over 2-4 oz not available
Alcohol pads
Band-aids, all sizes
BP cuff
Burn ointment
Cervical collars, all sizes
Cotton balls, large
Cotton swabs
Duct Tape
1. To secure victim to backboard
2. To secure dressings in torrential rain
Eyepads, gauze
Fluorescent rechargeable lantern
1. Replacement batteries not available
Hand sanitizer
Magic Markers
Pen lights
Rescue blanket, Mylar
Road flares
Rubber tourniquets
Sanitary Napkins, the old type with tails
1. Excellent pressure dressing; does not require tape
Splints, padded if possible.
Sports tape, all sizes
Sterile gauze dressings, any size
1. Larger amounts at lower price in Medical supply houses
Sterile gloves, all sizes, Non Latex
1. Store brand @ pharmacy good and cheaper
Tampons, small, unscented
1. Splint for broken nose; pressure dressing for broken teeth
Tape, all sizes, non-allergenic if possible
Tongue blades/Popsicle sticks
1. Splints for fingers and small children
Trauma scissors
1. Uniform shops
Triple antibiotic salve
1. Cell phone service not available in remote areas
Water-proof bags/backpacks
1. Most disasters happen during rainy season, i.e mudslides,
collapsed buildings, flooded rivers and streams
As an after thought, if you have access to
medical facilities or medical training facilities, check and see if they are
replacing their CPR and/or IV teaching aids/manikins. We will gladly take the used ones.
We are not paramedics, we are just a group who want to give back to our community. We do have nurses, doctors, dive masters and volunteers with the medical brigades in our group, and lots of people willing to learn basic First Aid.
We are not paramedics, we are just a group who want to give back to our community. We do have nurses, doctors, dive masters and volunteers with the medical brigades in our group, and lots of people willing to learn basic First Aid.